I can't believe that two years ago we welcomed our little Tyson into the world. We can't imagine our family without this sweet little boy. Tyson is such a sweet, lovable little boy. He loves his big brother more than anything in the world. He is great at sharing, and is almost always happy to give up something to make another child happy. He loves sports. He would much rather watch a game on television than cartoons. His favorite thing in the world is playing sports with the family- baseball, soccer, basketball, etc. He can improvise and turn many things into a game. For example, he picked a butterfly net out at the dollar store and turned it into his hoop. Tyson is a great eater and can out eat his big brother nearly every meal. He loves to read books, and can often be found sitting by the bookshelf reading books to himself. He loves to help, hates to be left out, wants to be just like the big kids, and loves to go to the park. He still loves his mommy to pieces, and is content to be by my side. He is smart, and a joy to be around, and we love him to pieces! Happy Birthday, Ty!
For Tyson's birthday we went to a park by our house, and had a sweet home-made slip-n-slide on the hill. The kids had a blast. Tyson only went down a few times, but he was more content to watch or play on the park. My favorite part of the party was singing happy birthday to him. He danced and sang with us, but the look on his face was priceless! He was so excited to be in the spotlight, and knew exactly what to do with the candles. He had so much fun with all of his cousins! Thanks for all the love and support.
The slip-n-slide action! |
My favorite part, seeing his reaction to the "Happy Birthday" song. |
Tyson watching the slip-n-slide from the bottom of the hill. |
Can you believe that all these kids are his cousins! Inviting friends would have been a bit too crazy! |
Opening his presents! He loved every second of it, and has been so entertained by all his new gifts! |
There is a story behind the cupcakes. Me, being the tired pregnant mama, made sure that all the party arrangements were taken care of early in the day so that I wouldn't be stressed out. I even had enough time to take a nap before the party. When I woke up from my nap I found Tyson had climbed onto the counter and put his finger in 1/2 the cupcakes. We had to smooth them over and call it good. Had to get some before and afters! |
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