Monday, August 25, 2008

9 Month Checkup

This morning Porter had his 9 month check-up. I am freaking out, how is time going by so quickly? I about had a heart attack when I set up his next appointment when he will be ONE YEAR OLD! What?? I am dying here. 1 Year old marks the "you're no longer a baby" stage. No! Anyways, so the torture began by pricking his foot to get blood to test for iron deficiency. He jumped and then laughed at the nurse as she scraped the blood off his foot. Then he got 2 shots - 1 in each leg. That made him cry but he stopped as soon as I picked him up. I gave him a sucker for being so good. He cried 10X harder when I took the sucker away so I could get his clothes back on. Ha. He was 90th percentile for pretty much everything (weight, height, and head). Still a chunker.

Here is a recent picture of him getting ready to eat some yummy yogurt. Last week the grocery store was out of the combo pack that I normally buy. I love them because they are a bit smaller than the individual sized yogurts, the PERFECT amount for Porter. So I start looking at the other combo packs and find a Fiber one in the same brand with the smaller size I like. So I buy it. Bad news bears. Poopy diaper after poopy diaper after poopy diaper. I know, what was I thinking? And why did it take me 3 days to figure out what it was? I don't know, dumb moment.
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1 comment:

Kendal and Alissa said...

I can't believe how fast they grow up. What a cute picture! I will have to add your link to our page. I love blogs!