Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Like Seriously SO Funny

My friend Shauna found this blog somehow. She is seriously one of the funniest people I know, and somehow her making fun of it was icing on the cake. Jared and I were reading it and dying of laughter. The title of this girl's blog is "Seriously So Blessed". "She really wishes she had more time to share all of her blessings with the blogging world, but is just too busy having girl time at Cafe Rio and making Target runs." -Shauna quote Here are a few excerpts to prompt you! (I am pretty confident it is fake but it's still good)

"Maybe I should get addicted to yoga like Madonna, but keep my values, UNlike Madonna. Pros: I can say I do yoga, and wear yoga pants! Cons: might have to see girls with hairy legs, which makes my heart hurt because they obviously don't understand femininity and their role in the plan, and even just imagining living without that makes me sad for them. No wonder they don't have husbands!! Sad! And when I get sad I meltdown."


"once when we were dating, JJWT and I broke up for a week when I saw that his old girlfriend (who is gross but has cute hair) sent him a text. I cried for EVER, he held me, and then he promised to only text ME from then on, and now I'm the only one he texts"


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