Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Updates on Porter

The past couple of weeks, Porter has hit some great milestones in my book. If they are not worth blogging about, I don't know what is. Ha. Here they are:

1. Porter is now sleeping through the night! Oh yeah. I have forgotten what it is like to go to sleep and not wake up until sunrise. I have missed that.

2. Porter can now put himself to sleep! The past eight months I have a few hours of every day rocking my baby to sleep. It was precious and I enjoyed it, but this is sure nice too. My grandma gave me a great suggestion to rock him for a couple minutes until he was tired but not asleep and then put him in his crib. And it worked! We have now gotten to where we can skip the rocking all together and he will go down. I am getting so much done around the house, it is like nap time has doubled!

3. Porter got a new car seat. My little boy is growing up, he looks like a little toddler back there and not an infant. He loves looking out the window though. Bittersweet milestone.

4. He is close to standing up on his own. The record is 30 seconds I think.

5. He is trying to crawl more than other. A new toy that spits out balls is encouraging him to get on all fours and try to get to them. Could turn out to be a good investment!

Way to go little Porter Jay! We love you so much!

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