All you need is some elastic, scissors, and a 6-inch roll of tulle (my roll had 65 yards).

1. Use your sewing machine to sew a 1-inch band of elastic into a circle. Then put your sewing machine away, that is the only sewing you have to do. No joke.

2. Cut the tulle into 21 inch strips until it is gone. (21 inches makes a shorter tutu - for like 3 and under. If you are making it for an older girl I would do 23-24 inch strips.)
3. I put the elastic band around my thigh, and then I take a strip of the cut tulle and place it under the elastic so that there is an equal amount on

4. Then continue to tie each strip of tulle, keeping them close together until you have a full tutu. (You can do multi-colored, I did some cute two-colored ones, like the 1st picture. If you want, on the last tie, you can string some ribbon through the knot and make a cute little bow to top it off.)
I'm excited to see all my little nieces running around like the little princesses they are, and thought some of you might want to join in on the fun. Merry Christmas.
PS: I buy the roll of tulle from WalMart in the wedding section near the floral. It is $5.95 and makes 2 tutu's. And total project time is about 20 minutes per tutu.
That is a great idea I wasnt planning on getting my nieces anything since I have to many of them and didnt want to spend a ton of money but this idea is perfect i think I might have to do that. Dang it now I will have to think of something for my nephews :(
so cute stacy... i would love to try this!
so funny! i just made tutu's for my niece's last week! spencer said we're in BIG trouble if we ever have a girl - so true they are way easy to craft for! cute cute!
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