I am doomed in this life, and it is driving me nuts. I lose and forget everything. I haven't posted for a while because I left my camera in Cali. Yesterday while I was at Burlington, I let Porter out of the cart and somehow as I chased him throughout the store my cell phone, debit card, AND drivers licsence managed to fall out of my pockets without me noticing. Don't ask how. Luckily they were all turned it, but I was paranoid that someone could have written down my card number 1st so I canceled it and am now out of a debit card for 7 days. Great timing with the holidays, and all the shopping I should be doing. And unfortunately, this isn't just a stroke of bad luck, this is how my life always is. I am always losing my keys, etc. It is my husband's pet peeve and I wish I weren't this way. I feel like I spend half my life looking for things I have lost. They always show up eventually, like the cell phone I had replaced was found in the rocking chair 6 months later. I knew the last place I had it was the nursery, why didn't I think to dig down into the rocking chair? I don't know.

Well to lighten the mood, I have to share my experience on Monday in Park City with Porter that I thought was cute, and frankly kind of funny. Jared took the day off and we headed to the Park City Outlets to do some Christmas shopping. We were in Callaway Golf and there was only 1 employee running the store and she happened to be a midget. No big deal, but Porter was fascinated by her. He absolutely loved this girl, and would follow her if she was walking around the store, and if she was behind the counter he would go around the corner and peak at her and smile. I think he really liked that she was little and close in size to him. I got a kick out of it, and I sure hope she didn't mind. We had a good laugh over it on the car ride home. Thank goodness he's just a baby right?
1 comment:
i feel your pain with the keys issue - no lie a few weeks ago i locked my keys, purse, phone AND blake in the car!!!! not my proudest moment. thanks to the sandy fire department, blake made it out alive. i'm now being REALLY careful with my keys! mom's just need more hands
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