Saturday, December 28, 2013

Decorating for Christmas

The kids were begging to decorate for Thanksgiving, about 2 days before we left town for Thanksgiving.  Guilt swept in, knowing we hadn't decorated for Halloween and now Thanksgiving, but I saw no point in hauling things down from the attic for 2 days of enjoyment.  So instead we took out the Christmas bins and started making the house a winter wonderland.  Porter is my little mini-me, he loves decorating for holidays and it seems like it is one of his favorite parts of the season.  After helping put out all the decorations he got to work with paper and markers, taping christmas trees and snowmen all over the walls.  Soon snowflakes were cut out and hanging from every room.  He is my little artist, paper and pen in hand at the drop of a hat.  Tyson on the other hand he was thinking all about Santa Claus and was putting the Santa hat on everyone.  Aubrey was just curious as can be, and she would slowly reach out to touch the lights and then giggle in excitement.  We sure do love these little kids, and seeing the magic of Christmas through their sweet little eyes.

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