Thursday, May 6, 2010

7 weeks left

**I started this post on Sunday, the 7 week left mark, but it has taken me a while to post pictures so now it's more like 6 weeks left, and these pictures were taken today... closer to the 6 week mark.**
Seven weeks left in the pregnancy.  I am starting to "feel it" now.  I notice myself grunting after bending over to pick up toys for long periods of time, and it makes me laugh sometimes.  It takes a noticeable effort to get my big pregnant belly out of bed multiple times during the night.  I have projects going on around my house, and I get frustrated that I don't have the energy to get as much done as I want to.  Granted, I still have good and bad days.  Sometimes I can tackle the world and get a million things done in a day, and the next every move seems like a chore.  But for the 1st time I'm starting to feel my limitations.

  • wedding ring still fits
  • still no swelling!  i am so thankful....
  • tried on two of my favorite pairs of jeans today (the pre-pregnancy ones) and not only could i put them on, i could zip and button them!  i am hopeful that maybe i will fit in old jeans after delivery!
  • 2 scrambled eggs with slice of whole grain toast is my "go-to" breakfast.  it is the only thing that keeps me feeling full until lunch time.
  • i haven't spent the last two weeks eating strictly or working out regularly.  i can't seem to do the same things at the gym anymore, and racing porter through the house is starting to "count" as a workout.  wanting to force myself to be good and push through these last seven weeks, but still haven't gotten there.  (sigh...)
  • weight gain is 13 pounds less than pregnancy 1 at this point.  so far i am on target to have a normal weight gain.
  • biggest craving is ice chips, especially the yummy ice from cafe rio and sonic.  i discovered sonic sells bags of their ice for 1.49, and now i eat 2 cups full of ice every day.
  • all my long shirts that i wear are getting too small, and the real maternity shirts make me look like a boat.  need shirts that fit.
  • had 1st painful set of contractions on friday--- it was a result of running a few blocks to the energy solutions arena, and up multiple flights of stairs to make tip-off for game 6 in the playoffs.
  • am officially set up with my doctor and the hospital to deliver the baby on monday june 21st at 7am!  exciting!
  • i can feel this baby so much more predominantly than i could with porter, when he moves my stomach becomes completely deformed.  jared says it looks like i have an alien in me.  all i have to do is put my hand on my stomach and he will move away.  i am blown away at how close he feels- there is so little between us!


Melissa said...

1. Wrapped up in plastic wrap?! I don't think I've ever heard such a funny request. You're a good mom for letting him try it!

2. Have they checked your iron recently? Chewing ice (by the cupful especially) is a HUGE sign of anemia. I did it all through my last pregnancy, and at 38 weeks when I mentioned it to my doc, they checked my blood, and I was really anemic. Look into that if you haven't already.

3. I can't wait to see your darling new baby. He is going to be SOOOO stinking cute!

Kristen said...

You look amazing Stacy! Pretty much the cutest pregnant lady ever :)

Stacy said...

Melissa I am so glad you mentioned the iron thing, because it made me remember that I had to take iron towards the end of my last pregnancy. They haven't checked my blood too recently, 28 weeks, and I bet it's the same thing. I will start taking iron again I guess!

Paige said...

You look soo cute! I love it! I ate tons of ice with both of my kids and didnt mean a darn thing! Just loved me a cup full of good ice.

Cassie said...

You look great! Can't wait to see the new little guy!

The Gilberts said...

Yeah, I don't understand the ice--- is that pretty common to eat that? I drank water like there was no tomorrow with my last, I'm hardly drinking half the amount now-- can't afford to, always on the go and I can't function with my toddler having to pee constantly... arghghgh

You look good Stace-- you're like a pencil with a giant marshmallow sticking out. Your babies sure go OUT.. mine seem to go UP. I still walk by some people and they see that I'm pregnant for the first time, or not at all; I'm having a check up on that tomorrow, actually...

Good job being so disciplined! I think I have done about 5 work outs tops since I found out I was pregnant, and I have been a horrible eater. I hate to think how "ahead" I would be if I had made more of an effort. I have been working/nannying 40hrs per week for the last year, so hopefully thats my valid excuse. I'm actually hoping to work out daily, now that work is over!!! I have my fabulous Phil and Teds stroller now and I am excited to move more. Hopefully I can see some results during this last month and a half-- my goal right now is feeling good and having energy. :)