Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Well, at three years old I am a little past journaling the new words that have been added to Porter's vocabulary.  He can communicate perfectly fine, and has an endless vocabulary.  But I had to add some of the newest words that Porter has added to his already large vocabulary.  They are: Compsognathus, Spinosaurus, Triceratops, Brachiosaurus, and perhaps a couple other dinosaurs.  Porter has a new favorite show.  It is not a cartoon and seems more like an older kid show.  It is called Dino Dan, and he is learning all about dinosaurs, and has taken it upon himself to teach us.

Last night after family scripture reading, Porter opens the illustrated book of mormon and points to a random picture.  He explains "This is a brachiosaurus.  It is bigger than my house, and wider than a bus.  Don't worry, he's nice."

The other night we went to the gym to work out.  As we were driving back home, Porter says, "Daddy, I don't like football."  (Fill in the panic attack. Ha, totally kidding!)  Jared: "You don't?"  Porter:  "No, I like Dino Dan.  I don't want to watch football when we get home, I want to watch Dino Dan."

We have had a pass to Thanksgiving Point for the past year and have made many trips to the Dinosaur Museum.  But with all the recent travel and activity, we have not been for months.  Jared decided to take him on a daddy/son date last night to the Dinosaur Museum.  Usually he runs right through it, not caring too much about the dinosaurs, just enjoying being around other kids.  But Jared said this time he stopped and analyzed each dinosaur and would get excited when he saw one he recognized and would be excited to point it out to Jared.

I love my Porter!  And it is just cracking me up when he talks about these dinosaurs that I can barely say myself.  Had to write it down.

1 comment:

Kendal and Alissa said...

Seriously how can a 3 year old be smart enough to remember let alone say the names of those dinosaurs. I'll admit I laughed when Porter said he didn't like football. I'm sure Jared's heart stopped for just a moment:) Very cute!