Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day 2010

Jamie and Darron invited the family up for a Memorial Day bbq, and we had SO much fun that we ended up staying at their house for over EIGHT HOURS!  Porter spent at least half of his day on the trampoline, and then Darron and Jamie took him on a 4-wheeler ride with the other kids.  I was tempted to go, as they say bumpy rides can put you into labor, but I didn't.  We had a yummy lunch, and then later that evening all the adults that weren't pregnant went golfing, while Lisa and I stayed back with the little ones.  Thanks for a fun day guys!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I'm jealous of your memorial day. That's exactly how the holiday should be!

Oh, and I can't believe you passed on the four wheelers. I hope you at least took some time on the trampoline!